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Best Finance Audiobooks

By admin | July 16, 2024

If you’re looking for information on investing in the stock market or motivational financial pep talks or a look at the latest trends in AI and algorithmic trading, Audible offers a wide selection of best finance audiobooks. Personal finance and investing classics such as Benjamin Graham’s introduction to fundamental analysis The Intelligent Investor are a must-read, but you could take a look at one of our top books on financial history, such as Michael Lewis’ Liar’s Poker which outlines his experience on the Wall Street trading floor.

The Financial Diet by Chelsea Fagan is a fantastic primer for those starting from scratch. She is a YouTube celebrity with over 700,000 subscribers. Her friendly and humorous narration make this book a fun way to understand basic concepts of personal finance such as credit scores savings strategies, credit scores, and homeownership.

Many recent college graduates are surprised to learn that they have little about mortgages, investing and real estate. This is why Suze Orman’s Your Money or Your Life is an excellent choice to help listeners set specific financial goals and take control of their spending habits.

Audible offers some of the top audiobooks about finance, including The Big Short and Flash Boys. Listen to Peter Tchir’s The Little Book that Beats the Market, or John Bogle’s The Bogleheads”Guide to Investing for classic investment advice.

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